School Safety

We want you to feel that your child is safe and supported every day at school.

If you have a concern about your child's safety in school, raise it to your child's teacher and principal. If you feel your child is being bullied—or bullying—make sure to also get the name of the school's Respect for All (RFA) representative.

The RFA liaison can make sure the situation is investigated and you are kept informed.

School Safety Agents

School Safety Agents, who are part of the NYPD, work in conjunction with the school administrators to help maintain order and safety. School Safety Agents have the following responsibilities:

  • Respond to immediate security situations
  • Help school personnel maintain discipline and order Follow visitor control procedures
  • Patrol areas within and immediately surrounding the school building Prevent intruders from entering the school building
  • Report serious incidents to the school administration and School Safety Division
School Safety
Bonna Karmokar

School Safety

Officer Mrs. Karmokar

(718) 392-3330 ext. 101


Officer Stevens

School Safety

Officer Stevens

(718) 392-3330 ext. 101

Email: [email protected]

Officer Heath

School Safety

Officer Heath

(718) 392-3330 ext. 101

Email: [email protected]